Refund policy

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Refund policy

Payments are non-refundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods/credits, except thatwe may approve a refund in the form of a credit on request if exceptional circumstances exist. If you believeexceptional circumstances exist, please contact us and explain the circumstances that you believe merits arefund. We are not making any promise that we will give you a refund. If we give you a refund, we will issue therefund in the form of free services or a credit to the payment method you used for your purchase;

we will notmake refunds in the form of cash or check. The provision of a refund in one instance does not entitle you to arefund in the future for similar instances; nor does it obligate us to provide refunds in the future, under anycircumstance. Refunds are not available to users who are banned by LiveChat Global or its community.